4.3.8 Rendering the UPC
will render any barcode passed in as a string. This can be problematic. Everything will be fine if we validate the UPC and only call renderUPCA when the value is valid.
// Renders barcode to image
function renderUPCA(barcode){
// Set cursor position
cursor = [startPosition[0], startPosition[1]];
// Fill the background
// Render start
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
// Safe zone
// Render start guard
renderSequence(barcodes['startend'], true, false);
// Iterate and render digits
[...barcode].forEach(function(digitValue, digitIndex){
// Is our digit on the left side?
var isLeft = digitIndex > 5;
// Render digit
renderSequence(barcodes[digitValue], isLeft);
// Render middle guard
if (digitIndex == 5) {
renderSequence(barcodes['mid'], false, false);
// Render end guard
renderSequence(barcodes['startend'], true, false);
// Text numbers
ctx.font = '30px sans-serif';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
// Number system digit
ctx.fillText(barcode[0], startPosition[0] + barSize[0] * 4.5, startPosition[1] + barMaxHeight + 15);
// Left digits
ctx.fillText(barcode.slice(1,6), startPosition[0] + barSize[0] * 35, startPosition[1] + barMaxHeight + 15);
// Right digits
ctx.fillText(barcode.slice(6,11), startPosition[0] + barSize[0] * 80, startPosition[1] + barMaxHeight + 15);
// Check digit
ctx.fillText(barcode[11], startPosition[0] + barSize[0] * 110, startPosition[1] + barMaxHeight + 15);
4.3.9 Putting It All Together
Time to write our last function! generateUPC
is called when the “Generate” button is clicked or enter button is pressed on the keyboard. The function uses preprocessUPC to fetch and validate the user-input value and display any errors it encounters with the value. If all checks out, we will feed the barcode into renderUPCA
. A usable UPC-A barcode will display below the form.
// Main function call for generating
function generateBarcode(){
var barcode = preprocessUPC();
if (barcode){